Lan King


King & King Ranch

Lan King is a 4th generation family farmer at King & King Ranch, located on Ventureño Chumash land in what is currently Ventura County. With 22 acres of mainly avocados and citrus in production, The King family highly values diversity. Lan moved to the farm 8 years ago to learn generational farming practices from their uncle and their dad, and build on their knowledge of sustainable practices. Lan’s interest in food justice and sustainability started growing while Lan and their partner were working in the bar and restaurant industry in Seattle, and has only increased since moving to the farm. Lan has been a big part of implementing many new projects on the farm, largely with help from the Ventura Co. RCD and UC extension, to obtain SWEEP, HSP, and DOC grant funding, to increase sustainability & food access. These projects include native willow windbreaks and native plant hedgerows to increase beneficial bird and insect habitat & pest management, developing their lower field into organic production, replacing old irrigation systems to increase water and energy efficiency, and getting more involved with Ventura County farm to school projects, CSAs, and local farmers markets.